How do we empower people to take control of their future?


Planet You

Using digital and physical gameplay, Shell empowered people to imagine a better future, and create their own world.

May 2013


people engaged


questions answered


different possible worlds


people reached on Twitter


Bringing a better tomorrow to life

As part of its Energy Lab exhibition, Shell wanted to help school children and families think about how to make sure there would be enough food, water and energy for another two billion people by 2050. We believed the best way for visitors to get to grips with the future would be to create their own version of it to compare with others and spark conversation.

Build your own world of the future

We developed a kiosk application which asked visitors 10 questions across 10 separate physical installations. Their answers would act as the data source for a dynamically generated planet, each one unique to the visitor, which was then sent to a fourteen metre screen that let visitors admire their own worlds, compare them with everyone else’s. They could also see how they matched up against a single, central, crowd-sourced Earth that brought everyone’s opinions together.


Value for the audience

During the activation over 760,000 different possible worlds were created and visitors were given the space to think about the future of Earth and get hands on.

Creating new worlds in real time.

Value for the brand

The activation successfully helped Shell reach a wide number of people, over 2 million people of Twitter and engage deeply with 10,000 people at the activation. The activation also helped Shell be seen as a positive force to change when it comes to the future of the planet.

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Group IPO roadshow video, listing content, brand and social videos

For PACS’ IPO, our Investor Communications team helped illuminate the company’s investor messaging across its IPO roadshow video and listing day marketing, while also creating content to help bolster its social media presence.