Ushering in a new era of innovation


Freedom of Movement

We spread the word of Ford’s future-focused rebrand with innovative storytelling at Vivid Sydney Festival.

May 2017


reach online


engagements with content


saw Vivid Lightsin person


peoplerode the swings


Owning new worlds

Ford rebranded in 2016, becoming a mobility company driven by the idea of ‘Freedom of Movement’. Ford Australia wanted to get people excited by this energetic new proposition. To do this, the brand had to be somewhere nobody expected and part of new conversations.

Partnering with innovators

For people to fully understand the rebrand, they needed to experience freedom themselves. So in 2017 we helped Ford Australia became one an official partner of Vivid Sydney, a festival that celebrates innovative ideas, art and technology.

Illuminating the new Ford

We helped Sydney move in new ways with an installation that turned the humble swing into a thing of wonder. By day, thousands rode the swings and by night, crowds watched as the they became a musical light show.

Part of the conversation

We continued the conversation at the conference aspect of Vivid Sydney, where Ford hosted discussion panels exploring the global mobility revolution. The speakers looked at the future of our cities and explored how tomorrow’s Australians will move through new urban landscapes.


Value for the audience

The audience was treated to an exhilarating experience that was both beautiful to watch in person and made for great, shareable social content – there were over 6.9 million engagements with content online.

Value for the brand

This experience aligned Ford with innovation and forward-thinking technology and allowed the rebrand to be seen by millions – over 27 million online and a staggering 2.3 million in person.

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Group IPO roadshow video, listing content, brand and social videos

For PACS’ IPO, our Investor Communications team helped illuminate the company’s investor messaging across its IPO roadshow video and listing day marketing, while also creating content to help bolster its social media presence.