In this series, we ask Imagination talent all about the experiences that have made them who they are. This month we spoke to Juman Sleiman, Senior Strategist, Consultancy from our Dubai studio.
A bit about me…
Someone once described me as a calm head in a crazy world of experiences. I love to travel and explore new places where I can connect and learn about different cultures. I’m a culinary enthusiast who has an appreciation for food and drinks that integrate sensorial journeys from the story of a dish to a gastronomic experience. I am also passionate about brands – I love to read about brands, write about brands, and create worlds for brands.
My industry hero is…
Tadao Ando, a Japanese architect from Osaka known for his minimalist and modernist designs. I love how he uses principles of light, shadows, and space to express architecture, capturing choreographed moments that make his designs both poetic and emotional for visitors. I also appreciate his relationship to nature and how his buildings seamlessly blend into their surroundings, making it a statement that concrete and nature can coexist in environments.

The piece of work I’m most proud of…
Work that I’m usually most proud of are ones that are done for a cause or to deliver a message that will create an impact. About seven years ago, I worked with classmates of my graduate program on a pop-up activation that encouraged people to let go of their phones and just connect with one another. We get so consumed by our cellphones sometimes, that we forget to appreciate the world that exists around us and how much we can get out of a 5-minute conversation with people sitting across from us at coffee shops.
The piece of work that makes me cringe…
A rebranding project for a hospitality brand. They wanted to reposition themselves in the market and create something revolutionary but were not willing to listen to their customers and accept the truth about their opinions and how their brand was perceived in the market.
The experience I wish I had created…
Burning Man… love experiences that blend self-expression, art, music and creativity. Burning Man expresses contemporary culture and successfully created an IP that people want to experience, need to experience and can only ever experience there. There’s also something inspiring about how the festival has managed to allow people to experience an alternative way of life where they can step out of their comfort zone – where people dress however they like, express however they like, and connect however they like.

Advice to my 18-year-old self…
Trust your gut feeling – don’t be influenced by those around you in your decisions. You always know what works for you and life is a journey.
What’s next?
I’m working on a passion project, to be launched in November. It’s a pro bono piece of work with an NGO based in the UAE that we’ve been working on for 4 months now. I love working on projects that drive habits and foster social change and look forward to doing more of this at Imagination.